MAKING A HALLOWEEN COSTUME is one of the best opportunities to exercise your imagination and let your creativity shine! Whether you dress up as a movie monster, comic book character, or just something funny, we love seeing costume ideas come to life.
This year, we want to share with you some of our favorite costumes!

This is Claire being a flamingo a couple of years ago for Halloween. Claire is Dr. Mark McOmie’s daughter.

To be honest we all love pets here at McOmie Family Dentistry. This is Scarlet’s cat she is one of our dental hygienists. The cat doesn’t look so happy to have on a costume.

Jack-O-Lanterns can be so scary!! These are the pumpkins carved by Dr. Mark McOmie.
A Crayon, a Wheaties box, and a not-so-scary witch!

Here in Chattanooga, we are fortunate that pumpkins are grown here and we have great fall weather to carve them.
Our Favorite Halloween Getups
We asked some of our team members about their best outfits from the past:

Last year at Halloween at McOmie Family Dentistry! Aren’t they awesome-looking?

Scarlet one our dental hygienists always dresses as a furry friend for Halloween. She is an animal lover.

Dental assistant/front desk Allie wither her superheroes!

This isn’t funny!!!! One year the staff all dressed up like Dr. Mark for Halloween!

Batman and Robin formed a dynamic duo of dental hygiene one year!
A couple of skeletons

Ant-Man! Morgan’s son’s costume last year.

Kristin and her husband went as a pair of …….. well you can see from the picture what they were.

We always have fun at the office on Halloween!!!!
Do You Need A Last-Minute Costume Idea? Try This One Out!
What Are Your Halloween Plans?
Are you more into the spooky or the silly side of Halloween? Are you into a Trunk or Treat at your church or neighborhood? No matter what your traditions are, have fun with friends and family and stay safe! Trick-or-treaters: go in a group, watch for cars and carry a flashlight.

This pumpkin was carved by Morgan for Scenic City Orthodontics pumpkin carving contest last year!
WE have some amazing patients that make their own costumes. This is Devin Martin and his daughter Quinn Martin They make their own costumes for Dragon Con. Have a look.
Devin in his Halo Warrior costume. He made every single piece of this. Amazing! His day job is emergency room PA.
This is Quinn Martin she made this costume! Quinn is on the right. How did she turn blue?
This is Quinn again. She made everything you see here. Even the gun! What a talented father-daughter duo! Amazing.
Thanks for being our valued patients and friends. Have a happy Halloween! Give us a call and come see our team on Halloween no telling what we will be wearing.
Post your Halloween costumes on our Facebook page to let us see what you dress up as! Post them HERE