WE TALK A LOT ABOUT what you need to do to keep those teeth of yours healthy and beautiful. While you’re taking care of your smile, don’t forget about your pets! Your furry friend’s teeth need to be cared for as well.

Keep Up On Your Pet’s Dental Health
You probably don’t think about checking your dog or cat’s mouth very often, but it’s important that you do. Dental problems can often lead to other health problems in your pet, not to mention they can be painful and costly. As with our own teeth, prevention is key!

Here are some things you should do to keep your furry friend’s mouth healthy:
- Have your pet’s teeth checked and cleaned at least once a year by a veterinarian
- While daily toothbrushing is ideal for your pet, at least get in three to four good brushing sessions per week (using toothpaste specially formulated for them–not human toothpaste)
- Make sure your dog or cat is on a nutritious diet that is good for their teeth; your veterinarian will help you know what kind of food is best
- Chew toys are great for scraping plaque off of your dog’s teeth and can be a great supplement to tooth brushing!
There are many products out there that can help keep your pet’s teeth healthy and breath fresh. Talk to your veterinarian about what products they recommend for your dog or cat’s oral hygiene routine!

Horses get their teeth “floated” a file is running up and down the horse’s teeth to level them back off from wear! It sounds a million times worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. Too bad horses can’t just get crowns when their teeth wear down as humans do. Check out this video and listen to the sound when they do it.
If you are afraid of the dentists that video will really make you happy your not a horse!
There are even dogs that get crowns made by our dental lab, Oral Arts Dental Lab in Huntsville Alabama!

Watch the video below to see how to properly brush your pet’s teeth:
Healthy Smiles Make It All Worthwhile
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), 70 percent of cats and 80 percent of dogs have some kind of oral disease by the age of two or three. That’s why attending to your pet’s oral health on a daily basis should be as normal to them as their daily walks.
After enough practice, they may even look forward to toothbrushing time! And while brushing your pet’s teeth may be a lot of work, just remember, healthy smiles make all that work worthwhile.

We’d love to see your pets’ smiles! Snap a photo of you and your pet showing off your pearly whites and post it to our Facebook page!