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Ask Dr. McOmie Dental Questions

It Is National Pet Day!!!! Show Us Your Pet!

It Is National Pet Day April 11th is National Pet day! If you have a pet then chances are you love them and they are a member of the family. People that care for others like our staff does here at McOmie Family Dentistry seem to be the type of people that gravitate...

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Athletic Mouth Guards What Do They Do?

Athletic Mouth Guards What Do They Do?

Sports And Our Chattanooga Kids If you have kids, then you most likely spend some time on the sidelines or in the stands at children sporting events. These are fun activities and can lead to a lesson that can last a lifetime. There are certain character-building...

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Cokes, Ice and Your Teeth How Do They Mix?

Cokes, Ice and Your Teeth How Do They Mix?

Did you know “Mountain Dew Mouth” is a real thing? Well, it is, and it’s what happens to your teeth if you drink too many cokes. The name originates from rural Appalachia, where the carbonated beverage of choice has long been Moutain Dew, and not surprisingly tooth...

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Tooth Fairy From Cultures Around The World

Tooth Fairy From Cultures Around The World

Of course, we've heard of the tooth fairy here in Chattanooga, even if the details are a little different from one family to the next. But did you know that the Tooth Fairy is only common in certain countries? Across the world, there are many different ways families...

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